Lambdashield 2
Posted: 03 Aug 2023 12:49
is there a detailed circuit diagram of the Lambda shield 2? I would like to connect to the Arduino uno a Can-Controller for the transmission of data via spi and would have to know here, for example, whether certain ports are used. In addition, the question would be whether the "sleep through" of the SPI port is a problem. I don't understand e.g. why the shield uses the ICSP ports and why the shield does not output the whole pins reusable on top. Are there any best practices or reasons why not to do certain things? I would now replace the connection pins with "Male/Femal" pins to be able to connect another one on the shield.
is there a detailed circuit diagram of the Lambda shield 2? I would like to connect to the Arduino uno a Can-Controller for the transmission of data via spi and would have to know here, for example, whether certain ports are used. In addition, the question would be whether the "sleep through" of the SPI port is a problem. I don't understand e.g. why the shield uses the ICSP ports and why the shield does not output the whole pins reusable on top. Are there any best practices or reasons why not to do certain things? I would now replace the connection pins with "Male/Femal" pins to be able to connect another one on the shield.