Only USB-Power on mega?

Support forum for the Lambda Shield designed to connect Bosch LSU 4.9 wideband oxygen sensors to Arduino projects.
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Only USB-Power on mega?

Post by baseLine » 29 Mar 2021 18:13

Hello, I am using the shield with a mega. I also use an OLED display.
I have problems when I supply the Mega with external voltage (Power Jack) - it only works when I use voltage from the USB port.

How can I change this?

Thank you very much

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Re: Only USB-Power on mega?

Post by Christian_Bylund » 29 Mar 2021 20:51


If you want to power the Arduino from the same power source as the shield you can use the X7 jumper. This will connect the Arduino and shield through the VIN pin. Make sure you never connect two different power supplies to the DC-jacks when this jumper is set. Read more about it in the technical manual under Alternative Power Input.

Thank you.
Best Regards,
Christian Bylund
Bylund Automotive AB

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