Knock shield stackable with audio shield?

Support forum for the Knock Shield designed to connect knock sensors to Arduino projects.
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Knock shield stackable with audio shield?

Post by jonroebuck » 23 Sep 2018 08:23

Hi - I'm a newcomer to Arduino, but interested in the Knock Shield for a race car DIY tuning project. Is there any reason why the Knock Shield cannot be stacked with an audio shield to allow simultaneous knock monitoring using headphones? If so, is a particular type of audio shield recommended?

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Re: Knock shield stackable with audio shield?

Post by Christian_Bylund » 23 Sep 2018 10:13


The Knock Shield is fully stackable. The first problem you are going to run in to when stacking shields is interfering pins, I am sure you will find pins that both the Knock Shield and any other shield you stack on top of it will want to use. There is two easy ways to solve this, cut the leg of the pins that you want to re-route. Then solder a jumper cable to the new pin you want to use instead. Here is how it can look, I am sure that it can be done prettier than this though.
This way you can stack as many shields on top of each other until you simply exceed the limits of the Arduino, pins, memory or even power. Merging the code is also a project in itself.

The knock sensor is basically a microphone, have you considered connecting it to some kind of equaliser or amplifier. And from there connect it to your headphones? - I guess all you want to do is filter out certain frequencies.

Best of luck with your project!
Best Regards,
Christian Bylund
Bylund Automotive AB

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Re: Knock shield stackable with audio shield?

Post by jonroebuck » 24 Sep 2018 03:16

Great, thanks for your advice.

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Re: Knock shield stackable with audio shield?

Post by filipesbp » 04 Feb 2020 20:18

Hi all,

The TPIC8101 has an internal amplifier connected to an output pin that makes already some amplifying, is there a Audio shield amplifier for arduino?

jonroebuck, have you made your project? Would you share some information?

I'am thinking doing the same project (Arduino + Knock Shield + Headphone), is there any problem connect am op amp to the TIPC -> CH1FB pin?

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